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Do's and Don'ts of Networking for College Graduates

学生聚会照片.The core difference between the average job-seeker and the networking job-seeker is that the former applies for several jobs by sending resumes and applications to faceless and anonymous emails. 而后者, recognizes that email inboxes and screening software applications do not give jobs. 因此,他们寻找真实的人来接近. 这并不像听起来那么容易. Here are some do's and don'ts to assist you in networking while you're still in college.

Do make it a point to remember (and address) people by their names
A name is the most fundamental identity of any individual. By remembering names, you ensure that you establish a bond with the people you meet. They will remember your name because you remembered theirs. 网络是关于协同效应的. What better way to start than by remembering the names of the people you meet?

Do cultivate relationships with your college seniors and alumni
If you approach college alumni for suitable employment opportunities at the outset, 他们会提防你的. Therefore, utilize your days in college and approach them for advice rather than for a job. Pick their brains about what works in the industry you wish to enter. As senior or former students, they will help you with advice and other tips. This leaves the doors open for you to enquire about jobs as you approach the end of your days in college.

In a recent study conducted by Interview Success Formula, 80%的职位空缺都不会登广告, 而且永远不要进入公共领域. Companies generally fill up any vacancies in this order of priority: internal candidates, 员工推荐和, People who approached them via informational meetings or via networking channels. Therefore, do not stop at job hunting on various job boards. Instead, create profiles on LinkedIn, 脸谱网 and 推特 among others. LinkedIn is a renowned professional social network. 脸谱网以更非正式的方式提供价值. 推特 can help connect you to people you rate highly in the industry of your choice. Each network could bring you into the eyes of millions of people.

实习可能不会让你变得富有, but it will help you gain industry experience and make valuable connections. Additionally, it will give you real-time exposure to the corporate world. Companies rate experience highly in any job interview. 因此, you have better chances of securing the job than someone who only has a diploma. 此外,公司更喜欢雇佣他们认识的人. 因此, 如果有工作机会, 他们会首先考虑他们认识的候选人, 在向外看之前.

Do not underestimate the contacts you already have (i.e. 你的父母,你朋友的父母等等.老一辈人经验丰富. 因此, they are sure to have a diverse and lengthy list of contacts. Tap into this network by talking to them about your interests, 技能和你想找的工作. 你可能不会直接从他们那里找到工作, yet they will be able to spread the word around when an opportunity presents itself.

iGrad标志Don't be overcome by shyness or the fear of rejection
感到害羞是正常的,但你仍然可以建立人际关系. Introverts are usually interested in people—genuinely. 这可能是你最大的资产. All you need to do is to stop waiting for people to approach you. 而是接近他们,开始一段对话. 倾听别人,让他们觉得自己很重要. 人们喜欢有人听他们说话. 人际交往更多的是听而不是说. 内向的人天生就有这种能力. 你要做的就是好好利用它. 至于被拒绝,这是一种自然的恐惧. After all, you will not find everyone receptive to your initiative. 也不是每个人都想要联系. However, the number of people who will connect will usually outnumber those who do not. Take things in your stride and forge ahead confidently.

人脉不是一次性的活动. 这是一个持续的过程. By persevering, you will reap the results by the time you leave college, if not earlier.

人际关系就是与他人合作. That also means looking out for them just as much as you would like them to look out for you. 正如古老的谚语所说, "Help someone else’s boat reach the shore and you will find that your own boat will also reach the shore.“总有一天, just as you might find a suitable opportunity for someone, someone else could find something worthwhile for you too.

Don't lose touch with people until you need them again
确保你们的关系保持活力. 建立关系. Then, e-mail them some articles or information that might interest them. Drop in a note too telling them that you thought the article might be helpful to them.

在接受《利记》采访时 , 领英联合创始人, 里德·霍夫曼说, “One of the challenges in networking is everybody thinks it's making cold calls to strangers. 实际上, it's the people who already have strong trust relationships with you - who know you're dedicated, 聪明,有团队精神, 谁能帮你?. 使生命有意义的是人, so you try to be good to people immediately around you and in your broader community. 你的人际网络就是那些愿意帮助你的人, 你想帮助他们, 这真的很强大.” Therefore, do not just work on sending job applications; spend some time on building your network. The people in your network will not only assist you at various stages in your career, but some of them could even be your friends for a lifetime.

iGrad标志iGrad has partnered with 利记app官网 to bring their financial capability services to our members. iGrad is 100% focused on empowering folks to make effective personal finance, 学生贷款和一生的职业决定. 欲知详情,请浏览 igrad.com

This information is provided for informational purposes only. It does not constitute legal, tax or financial advice. Consult with your tax, legal or financial adviser before taking any action.


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